Epicurus and the vagaries of inheritance

If it is true that gentlemen prefer bimbos to educated career women with brains, how is it that there seem to be no extra bimbos being born into this world?

And another thing – – if men tend to marry the pretty girls and not the plain ones, how is that………

Just asking.

On a more serious note, however, Epicurus notoriously lived in an era where women were expected to breed and men have their fun with beautiful boys. The fact that Epicurus admitted women into his Garden and was arguably less sexist and more truly democratic than many of his contemporaries, is important but not relevant to this post. My point is that the culture at the time was totally different to that of the modern world, and the attitude to sex is just one pointer. While being indifferent to what happens between adults behind closed doors, we do not these days agree with anyone suborning young boys who know no better.

The objective of this blog is to ponder the question “What would Epicurus think about our modern issues.” Epicurus, being a really smart fellow with a high intelligence and a big brain, could were he alive today adapt to modern ways of thinking – – and those ways of thinking need not, by any stretch of the imagination, be influenced by Ayn Rand or the Libertarians.


  1. For too long Epicurus has been a poster boy for the non-religious hard right.

    Why? Who says? By what authority? His writings have barely come down to us. .

    Just because Epicurus was a humanist and an atheist does not mean that he had no compassion, empathy or common sense.

  2. Exactly. What I am trying to do is to extract him from the culture of his time, put him into the culture of our time , and try to postulate what he might have thought. Of course, the fun of this is that my guess is as good as the next person’s, and some over-serious, snotty philosopher has to argue on our ground, here on this blog.

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