Epicurus and the Media

 Your Government has suspended the Fourth Amendment, authorized torture, proclaimed itself empowered to break the law, and has sent the nation’s top law enforcement officer to lie blatantly about how and why the 9/11 attacks happened so it you could acquire still more unchecked spying power and get rid of lawsuits that would expose what it did.  And what does arrogant, patronizing right-wing political press talk about?   Obama’s bowling score and how he eats chocolate. 

These same publicists and cynical money-grubbers support a free pass for the  incompetents of Wall Street, and once again the taxpayer pays for the mistakes and faulty judgments of the greedy, poorly educated "leaders" we have allowed to take over.  The days of being accountable are over, it seems.  All you need is a label reading "Republican".

Who is there honest and patriotic enough to tell the truth?  It would do the current Establishment a power of good to be invited  to beg on the streets of the District of Columbia and be fed in soup kitchens.  Those already doing so at this moment have more integrity than our condescending masters.   How can anyone consider believing the self-serving tosh dealt out by the media?

One answer is the Epicurean garden and ignoring them all.

 This is not original.  It is inspired by a real patriot – – Glenn Greenwald of Salon.com