Epicurus and politics

When enough security against other people is achieved, if one has enough power and material wealth as a base, then one can have the safety of a quiet life in tranquility, apart from the crowd.

This is a key tenet of Epicureanism.  Apply it to today in the United States: On one side you have a probable Presidential candidate who is a paid-up member of the military-industrial complex, and who, although he has some sensible attitudes, will no doubt require another war probably with Iran for starters.  Make no mistake, that’s what he’s all about.

On the other hand we are are threatened with another dose of rule by the ultimate baby-boom duo, and they stand every chance of being soundly beaten in a general election, if adopted. 

The baby-boomers, Republican and Democratic are one way or another associated with

–      a selfish do-nothing attitude to global climate change, the very worst legacy.
–      negative politics that have gotten the country nowhere but backwards
–      a massive fiscal deficit that will linger for decades
–      two wars that will go on for years
–      trade policies that have hollowed out manufacturing and weakened the middle class
–      unrestrained capitalism that is out of control
–      an economy in recession
–     swathes of the population without health insurance.
–    a disastrous image abroad of a load of incompetent, bullying people given to torture. 
–    rule by special interests.

(When you start listing them it is truly shocking!  And there are people proud of this!)  

These are the legacies of the baby boomers, and it is time  they retire and let the younger generation try to put some of these problems right.  They are a busted flush. Another 8 years of partisan incompetence will not do.  Clinging on will not do, especially given the scandals that will erupt in the next few months, not to mention the sheer nastiness of it all.

Young people are signaling "enough is enough". Us oldies have had our hour, had our day.  Stop being so damn self-important, self-regarding and move aside!  We need the safety of a quiet life in tranquility, apart from the crowd.  We will not get it with old-time general election candidates.  We want change we can believe in, and to the devil with the special interests!


  1. I will make few friends by posting this. Many of my friends are baby-boomers.
    But I fear for my children and my grandchildren and the horrible legacy we are leaving. The ruling generation has failed and owes, if not an apology, then at least a gracious moving aside. The next generation deserves an influence over a future that they will have to deal with and suffer from. This is my personal brand of patriotism!

  2. I’m offended that people should think that I should vote for any candidate just because she’s a woman. I would like a woman as President, but not just any woman. Gender is really irrelevant.

  3. When the Republicans get hold of Bill’s recent bimbo record it will bust Hillary’s wide open. I’m afraid she hasn’t much of a chance in a general election. The other side is just waiting with glee and hoping she will make it.

  4. You hear people talk about experience. Look what experience has led us into: two wars we had to lie about to start and then messed up so badly that now we can’t win and maybe never could. Then you’ve got the little matter of the drunken sailor in the White House who has never seen a dollar he hasn’t thought to spend. And so on and so on . The political Establishment has let down the country, and I agree it should be superannuated.

  5. We are under siege by militant Islam, haven’t you noticed? I’m glad we have a President who took out the Iraqis and is taking out al Quida in Afghanistan. I hope McCain then moves on th Pakistan. he’s got real experience.

  6. Two bservations:

    1. The “Greatest Generation,” as Tom Brokaw has labeled the men and women who fought World War II, gave birth to and RAISED the Baby Boomers. Doesn’t this irrefutable fact give us pause when setting one generation against another? As good Epicureans, we in the “Garden’ should welcome EVERYONE of good will — age, gender, ‘generation,” nationality. This old broken world needs all those of ANY generation who try to mend its wounds.

    2. Our messages of “unity’ should be inclusive. We can’t begin “healing’ or “unifying” a country by setting one generation against another (especially, as in the case at hand, of children against parents). The only criterion which Epicureans should apply, it seems to me, is to gather young and old, men and women, all hues, and ethnic groups who care about improving our sad world.

  7. Think about it. The young people rise en masse demanding change. Why? Because what they see is a political system twisted and wrecked by infighting, special interests and profligacy. It’s not a question of setting one generation against another. It is already set – – by the older guys. The deficit will have to be dealt with by the younger people, the affects of war will have to be, the train-wreck of the financial and health systems will have to be, etc etc . It IS time for a change!

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