Epicurus and politics

I am indebted to Professor John Bellamy Foster for the observation that Epicureans were not always apolitical; it was more complex than that. They opposed a tyrant in at least one case.  Life and history are seldom straightforward and simple and the nuances trip us up as we try to simplify to understand.

So if the ban on political activity among Epicureans depended upon circumstances in ancient times, why not now when we have a government more secretive and less accountable than (arguably) any in American history.  What are they not telling us?  How many end-runs have they made around the constitutional process in the name of the so-called "War on Terror"?   That there is endemic corruption among the current set of office holders is an established fact, but how much and where does the corruption end? 

We cannot allow this to happen again.  Only when we have re-established openness and accountability and at least some degree of honesty can Epicureans relax in their Gardens and stop peering over their shoulders in dismay at what has happened to their country.  This is in the interests of the Republicans quite as much as the Democrats.   After all, an unethical Democratic President  could in theory conduct government in the same style.  Then what would Republican strict constructionists say?


  1. Ordinary people have to examine every government statement, turn it inside out and interpret it as meaning the exact reverse of what is said or printed.
    And there are tens of thousands of people who feel comfortable with this! He has kept us safe! From what, exactly?

  2. The generation that produced Bush and Clinton have had their moment of glory. The jury is out and will be for a long time. But preliminary evidence shows that it has bequeathed to future generations:

    – an impending catastrophe in the shape of climate change, about which they have done zilch in the US
    – a huge deficit
    – an infrastructure that is about to fall to bits
    – a health system hugely more expensive and less inclusive than so-called “socialized” medicine in Europe.
    – hollowed out manufacturing that has left the middle class feeling vulnerable
    – an educational system that is inadequate for the future.

    Under these circumstances the responsible generation should, as they say, butt out and allow the younger generation to do their best to improve matters. They cannot but do a better job. For this we need a young President in tune with new thinking.

  3. Under these circumstances the responsible generation should, as they say, butt out and allow the younger generation to do their best to improve matters. They cannot but do a better job.

    Are you saying that the rest of us shouldnt have our say? What your doing is handing over the country to an inexperienced pol who would be elected into office by a load of 20 year old that know nothing, just carried away with hype.

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