Epicurus and aspiration

“There are at least seven notes that aspiration to the best life might seek to sound (in a life of aspiration to the good): the note of meaning, the note of intimacy, the note of endeavour,  the note of truth, the note of freedom, the note of beauty, and the note of fulfillment.”

Meaning:     the identification of your values and goals.
Intimacy:      your relationships with others.
Endeavour:  the activity of building a good life according to your values.
Truth:            a determination to live a life of honesty with yourself and with others.
Freedom:     meaning autonomy, taking responsibility for one’s own choice, and thinking for yourself.
Beauty:         the ability to be moved by beauty, which educates our sensibilities
Fulfillment:  weaving all of the above into a harmonious whole

To make up the octave and complete Mr. Grayling’s idea:  I would add that most famous of Epicurean words:  Ataraxia : peace of mind and absence of fear and anxiety. 

Put it like this – – in which style do you live your life, in C major or C minor?

To which many people would respond:    "But these aspirations are universal.  They are not restricted to Epicureanism or any other "ism".  Exactly right!  If everyone adopted them we wouldn’t need organized religions and bevies of priests.

Adapted from: The Choice of Hercules by A. C. Grayling, Wiedenfeld & Nicholson 2007