Epicureans need to know – is sex on a plane legal?

While many others are worrying about war with Iran  and a dozen other dreadful events, what is the BBC News preoccupied with?  “Is sex on a plane legal?”   It appears that Janet Jackson, having had the audacity of showing a part of her breast, is also a self-confessed  “Mile-High Club” member.  Meanwhile, the actor, Ralph Fiennes, is suspected by  Quantas of having sex with an air steward on a flight from Darwin to Mumbai.  It doesn’t tell us the gender of the steward.   This is very important, and deserves our full attention, hours of airtime and square miles of newsprint.  If there are no comments on this vital piece of news, I will have to conclude that readers of this blog are mainly asleep (in Business Class?)


  1. In view of the way the airlines treat you like cattle it should be obligatory to have sex on every flight as a means of taking ones mind off:
    – the horrible re-circulating air that is almost certainly giving you a cold
    – the dreadful food
    – the lack of legroom
    – the guy in front of you , who suddenly forces back his seat and crushes your knees.
    – the toilets, which after an hours flight, look as if a group of schoolkids have had toilet-paper fights on a pig farm.
    – the air stewards, who barely tolerate you (I remember when they were young, pretty and flirty. Ah!)
    – the hours wait on the runway waiting for the Department of Homeland Security to check whether you have a website that is derogatory towards the President (he’s the guy who’s the great military leader, right?)

  2. February 17, 2007 at 11:26 am ·Robert said: “In view of the way the airlines treat you like cattle it should be obligatory to have sex on every flight.”

    — Yes,true, there are benefits to Robert’s idea:
    “Must-say-yes” sex would avert thrombosis, every flyer’s fear. Even better, what a cardiovascular high, jollying around at 30-thousand feet, eh?
    — Problems, though.
    First, everyone would be inhaling even more of the foul air. (And, presumably, exhaling it as well).
    — Also, class warfare might explode when passengers crammed into “steerage” hear all that leg room enjoyed by the rich.

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