Epicureanism stands for toleration and inclusiveness

Epicurus was an unusual philosopher.  He genuinely believed in equality, unlike people like Plato.  A lot is talked about Athenian democracy, but that democracy excluded slaves and women.  Epicurus caused a scandal by accepting into his Garden both slaves and women and apparently treated them as equals, respecting their views.  This was unheard of.  Still is in many parts of the world.

Early Christianity, which had a high proportion of women members, some very influential, rather liked Epicureanism for its concentration on inclusiveness, kindness and toleration.  Only when Christianity became the state religion did the good ole boys take control (the emphasis is on “control”), and female participation in the church was clamped down on (absolutely no women priests).   Then the inclusion of women in the Epicurean Garden came to be interpreted as tantamount to organising sex orgies, over-eating and wine-swilling.  This was how we now have catering companies calling themselves “Epicurean”  this or that.  The calumny continues.

The fact is that Epicureans believed in moderation in everything, including food, wine and sex.  Thus  have decent people been the subject of malicious propaganda over the ages.