Epicureanism, an alternative to religion

Somebody once said that religion is basically a question of making you feel better about yourself.  If so, there isn’t much wrong with that. Let those who get reassurance from it get on with it undisturbed. Where it is potentially distasteful is when missionaries at home and abroad try to "convert" the unbelievers, sometimes offensively, cruelly and violently.

Epicureans mind their own business, concentrating upon living decent, modest lives which are rich and joyful, where fear is reduced and contentment and friendship maximized.  There is no need for heaven, hell, atonement, subventions to maintain priests and parish buildings.  Contentment is found internally, not out of the blatherings of clergymen, often less educated and intelligent than you are, from pulpits.

This is the rational alternative to virgin births and trinities and frying at the stake because you don’t agree with a crowd of control freaks. 

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