Published in April 2008 in “The Humanist” but the following is as Epicurean as it is Humanist:
Do not kill:
– No nation shall go to war against another nation unless first attacked in a clear act of aggression. No state shall join in a war except when authorized to do so by responsible global authority (by which they mean the U.N Security Council).
– Genocide shall be considered a crime against humanity and its authors shall be tried and prosecuted accordingly.
– Targeted political assassinations shall be considered crimes and both the leaders who authorized them and the persons carrying them out shall be treated accordingly.
Seems obvious. Most religions would agree, unless they were of the right-wing Southern Baptist variety. But mankind has a great aptitude for justifying war to suit whatever agenda it has. People who say they are Christian and go to church of a Sunday seem to have no difficulty in justifying the killing of tens of thousands of Iraqis because their former leader was a thug. Or because he tried to assassinate Dad. Or because he had bogus WMDs. Or because American democracy is the greatest system ever in the history……..Or….