Epicurean ethics: unfair tax system

The lion’s share of the Bush tax cuts are going to wealthy people, draining the nation of its capacity to preserve vital services, invest in research and infrastructure, build a strong and sustainable economy, and assure fairness and opportunity.

Existing tax cuts for the wealthiest 1 percent will cost the nation more than $300 million in lost revenues every day for ten years if made permanent, as the current Administration would like. 

These irresponsible tax cuts don’t reflect our values, we don’t want them, and they should be rolled back, not extended.


  1. I am a member of Responsible Wealth, a group of people who oppose the abolition of the Inheritance Tax. I joined because I believe that where a country has given you a start and wonderful opportunities, you should give back to it and not be a selfish skinflint. I could not have the lifestyle I have if there had not been taxpayers in the past who helped build the infrastructure of the country, its institutions, schools, hospitals, free society and legal structure that allowed me to thrive. There will be enough for my kids. Meanwhile, I have every intention of paying the Inheritance Tax , and shame on those who deprive future generations of the benefits we now enjoy!

  2. so what? So some rich people get richer than others The US was founded so that folks could prosper. If these guys find ways of avoiding tax that ain’t illegal. If the govenment was more efficient and stuck to defense, instead of poking its big nose into all our lives, tax would be lower and more people would pay it. the founders didn’t expect the people to have to pay to keep millions to keep teeneage moms and idle layabouts. Pity Giuliani quit. He knew how to deal with these people.

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