Epicurean ethics: the pre-emptive war

It is unethical to deliberately begin a war without the provocation of an attack or definite knowledge and forewarning of attack.   It is not only unethical, incidentally, but banned by the United Nations, under rules that the United States itself principally wrote.  In the event that an unprovoked attack occurs and lives are taken, the instigator should be open to arrest and prosecution as a war criminal, along with his chief executive officers.  The fabrication of evidence drawn up to justify unprovoked attacks can be taken as evidence in any legal procedure.   

Epicurus would suggest that the US should abide by the international rules it helps devise and stop being the disruptive bully and killer of innocents.  He would point out that sometimes the most unethical behaviour comes from people who proclaim that they are the chosen of God.


  1. What do you mean, without provocation? Why did Clinton start the daily bombing of airfields and radar stations long before Bush came to the White House? Believe me. Saddam had a hand in 9/11 too. Left alone he would have attacked us. If Bush sen. had been doing his job he would have taken out Saddam during the Gulf War. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld will go down as patriots.

    As for the UN it’s trying to take over our country, trying to force all that global warming nonsense and human rights on us. And which countries are doing it? Those with wonderful human rights, like Libya.

  2. Charlie, where do you live? What do you read? Aside from Fox News which TV programs do you watch?

    They are taking advantage of you, Charlie. You’re a dupe. You are one of the people who the Republicans exploit and laugh at behind your back. What a clown, they’ll be saying, believing a word we’ve said! While you are defending the indefensible, the BIG DOGS are shoveling cash into numbered Swiss bank accounts, and it’s your money, Charlie! Your money. If I wasn’t laughing I’d cry. This is why you need to go into the Garden, Charlie and chill out. If you can’t sort out truth from fiction go into that Garden and grow potatoes, Charlie.

  3. From the Moderator:

    I am allowing the post from SuzyR, but please literally moderate your comments. If Epicureanism is anything it is considerate, thoughtful and polite. I will in future erase anything I deem to be rude or disrespectful.

  4. Sorry, but this is why we need to sweep these people away next November – I mean the incompetents in the Administration. If they were Democrats you’d never hear the end of it, but the other side is too nice and lets them get away with it. They should be in jail.

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