Entrenching the oligarchy – good news for dreamers

Yesterday I wrote a piece deploring the attitude of the US government towards CIA bullying and torture. If Epicureanism means anything it means happiness, pleasure and getting along together. So it makes writing a positive-sounding blog a bit difficult when assaults on the community come thick and fast. I refer to yesterday’s Supreme Court decision, in the name of “free speech”, to allow what amounts to a running coup. Rich people are being further enabled to buy politicians and government action by putting ever more secret and unaccountable money into an already skewed political system in the name of the Constitution. You have to be totally lacking in imagination and foresight to think that this assists democracy. Brick by brick the Supreme Court has built a corporatocracy, an oligarchy and a rich man’s playground, and pretends that the intelligent Founders wanted it that way.

One has to accept that the “conservative” justices are doing what they think is best for the country. Attacking them personally is unattractive and counter-productive. The fact is that you get the political system you deserve, and, boy, have we got it! If the majority of Americans had serious reservations about rule by billionaire they could change the situation easily. But they labor under the illusion that they, too, will join the hallowed ranks of the super- rich, so all is well.

So be it. The money people have the say and welfare of the people is to be ignored. I wish I didn’t sound like the Prophet Jeremiah, but what else are we supposed to think? True conservatives would fight this flawed decision tooth and nail.

One Comment

  1. When the law parts company with common sense it ceases to be respected. Ultimately, society breaks down.

    This is the 800th anniversary of Magna Charta, the foundation of British, and thus American, law. Clearly, American law could do with a holiday and a bit of self- reflection.

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