Elitism again. Classism strikes back!

This from Greta Akpeneye, head teacher and a former “loony Left” Lambeth councillor:

IQ and other test identify not ability but rather the level of socialization and indoctrination into limited notions of desirable knowledge and ways of understanding the world, which can be typified as “middle class”. Access to this “culture” enables access to academia and constitutes an inherent bias against those not familiar with the middle class world. Not ability but elitism is the problem.


  1. A whole lot of silly, ignorant rubbish. These people, who now seem to control the school system and occupy comfortable jobs in academia have made it their business to de-construct so much in life that all the old, solid values that made society tick have been undermined and trashed. Regrettably too many come to from countries where we in our turn could find plenty to complain about. Unable to join the corrupt elites of their own countries they arrive in England to try to create a corrupt elite in ours, while, of course, criticizing elites. If you were working class at one time you could get a good education if you really wanted one. School is now a place where one’s victim-hood is reinforced. Is there any real education left? No, because it is elitist.

  2. IQ and other test identify not ability but rather the level of socialization and indoctrination into limited notions of desirable knowledge and ways of understanding the world, which can be typified as “middle class”.

    In fact Psychologists have actually worked very hard to construct tests which are culture free. Very difficult, because just as a fish doesn’t know its swimming in water, or that there is any other medium, so most individuals dont really know whether their world view is constructed by culture or whether they have thought it out themsleves. That goes for the people who construct the tests too.

    “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are some-one else’s opinions; thier lives a mimicry; their passion a quotation.” Oscar Wilde.

    Meanwhile I agree that the people who control the education in this country (and who keep changing the curriculum at a whim) have certainly undermined ‘old solid values.’ Hopefully, if you concur with the circular view of histoy, we will eventualy get back to them?????

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