
Today the British go to the polls. Brexit hasn’t really been an election issue; it has been mentioned only in reference to Teresa May’s penchant for doing u-turns. Will she do a u-turn on Brexit as well? The authors of Brexit have been largely silent, the amazing reason being that Remainers are a dwindling minority, it seems, and it’s best to keep very quiet. Terrorism and what you can leave to your children if you have been dependent on public funds in your old age – these are the main issues. The British are sleep-walking into Brexit, (probably?) led by a woman who hasn’t a clue how to get what the nation needs, and who waffles about everything on auto-pilot (she has had a terrible campaign- the first time the public has seen her in action as leader has exposed her as sounding brass and an empty vessel).

Asked what I would vote if I could I had to sheepishly say the rapidly vanishing Liberal Democrats, who ineffectually campaigned for staying in the EU – a wasted vote. I am hoping for a dramatic upset. The British still don’t seem to understand the odds they face outside the EU. Meanwhile, Trump’s basic support is being maintained, despite the horrors he is daily inflicting on the nation. That is two nations sleep-walking simultaneously, manipulated by sinister rich people who want more “managed” democracies.

One Comment

  1. Had the Liberal Democrats ran a better campaign with bolder policies, or were I in a seat with a Labour Eurosceptic, I would definitely vote for them. But where I am (Exeter), they don’t stand a chance. The choice is between a moderate, pro European Labour MP, and a Conservative. I’m certain which of the two I’d prefer.

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