Drugs and guns

A heroin dealer where I live has just been given a thirty year sentence for peddling the lethal drug. He admitted guilt and apologised. So be it. But when a gun dealer sells a gun, knowing it can be lethal (and with no background check to ensure the buyer is not a homocidal maniac), he gets away with it scot free. Isn’t it time that judges gave thirty year sentences to gun dealers involved in peddling lethal weapons and hiding hehind a bogus interpretation of the Constitution?

If life should be marked, as Epicurus demanded, by moderation and fairness, then judges should treat the person who sells a lethal weapon by the same criteria as someone who sells a lethal drug.


  1. The law should be consistent. The drug dealer could argue that he didn’t know what use the heroin he just sold would be put to. It might be fed to the cat. But he gets thirty years nonetheless. The gun dealer, likewise, can argue that he has no idea to what use the gun will be put. For all he knows it will be used for clay pigeon shooting. But he, in contrast, is protected by the NRA. You can suspect that someone is a criminal, just as you can suspect that your customer is a heroin addict.

  2. I see someone deleted my two comments. Any reason why?

    I am an Epicurean and I support the right of personal gun ownership.

    “Natural justice is a symbol or expression of usefullness, to prevent one person from harming or being harmed by another.”

    “He who best knew how to meet fear of external foes made into one family all the creatures he could; and those he could not, he at any rate did not treat as aliens; and where he found even this impossible, he avoided all association, and, so far as was useful, kept them at a distance.”

    “Those who were best able to provide themselves with the means of security against their neighbors, being thus in possession of the surest guarantee, passed the most agreeable life in each other’s society”

  3. Regarding my question of deletion, I see that the posts are showing now. Apologies as I was probably mistaken , but I didn’t see them when I made the previously post.. Regards.

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