Do you do anything about climate change ?

21% of British adults say they support paying extra for goods and services to help deal with climate change. 72% admit that their own standard of living is more important to them than helping to solve problems caused by climate change. (RSA/The Times)

To suggest that you can throw all that gunk into the atmosphere without any effect on the planet is simply naive. Climate change doubters will look ridiculous within a decade, and ought now to keep quiet. They are in a dwindling, if well-financed, minority.

But it’s all very well preaching; doing is something else. Hypocrisy is un-Epicurean, so the author of this blog would be struck by lightning were he to claim that he did all he could to fight global warming. He spends time both in London and Washington and can do that because of the invention of the airplane. And that’s for starters! He does so with an underlying feeling of guilt about the effects on the lives of his innocent grand-children, regularly vowing to do better by them and inveighing against stupid waste.

Mea culpas aside, for those who have eyes to see there are things one can nevertheless do without drastically affecting ones standard of living. Walk more, use the car less. Replace the existing car with something smaller with better mileage. Turn off unnecessary lights. Re-cycle. Use as little plastic as possible. Buy from non-coal electricity generators where there is availability. Buy organic produce wherever you can. Let your footprint be light.

Please add if you can add to the list.

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