Dismantling part of the social safety net

In addition to shutting down the government, House Republicans have voted for a large cut in the amount of money devoted to food stamps. Because of the poor state of the economy the number of people on Food Stamps has shown a large increase from 26 million in 2007 to almost 48 million now. This is a safety net doing its proper job at a time when the income for the top 1% of Americans has risen 31% ( 2009 to 2012) , and the real income of the bottom 40% has has actually fallen 6%.

Last year average food stamp benefits were $4.45 a day, not exactly a huge amount, and almost two thirds of beneficiaries are children, the elderly, disabled, and parents with children.

Studies have shown that children who receive early assistance with a good diet turn out to be healthier and more productive adults than those who don’t and are less likely to require public assistance. (adapted from an article by Paul Krugman in the New York Times, 9/24/13).

This is neither decent, nor moderate. It is thus offensive to Epicureans, who believe in helping the poor and paying taxes to do so. I have no idea what religious affiliations the Tea Party people individually have, but you don’t have to be religious to be disgusted at this meanness and shortsighted cruelty. Shame on them!

One Comment

  1. I yearn for the Democrats to ramp up their PR skills, and translate public support for these programs into policies strong enough to withstand assaults from the right. I’ve no hope for converting the far-right on these issues.

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