Disappearing government

About 60 % of the Government’s 1.8 million civil service employees will be eligible to retire over the next 9 years, and the Office of Personnel Management expects 40% to do so. Generation Y (whatever that is) is regarded as impatient, willing to take risks, intolerant of ‘inefficient’ organizations and does not like the idea of taking jobs "that have no end in sight."  They are assumed to be uninterested in government jobs.
(Source: Washington Post, September 24th)

So America has a challenge ahead of it.  The libertarians, who want to decimate government, may achieve their desire by default. 

Epicureans should be pragmatists.  Enjoy the garden by all means, but we still need schools, roads, bridges, law and order, and an effective military to defend us.

One Comment

  1. I predict a total reversal of the anti-government stance of Republicans in the next generation. When they find that the traffic lights don’t work, that they have to personally pay for armed guards on their homes, cannot travel by air because there is no one there to oversee air traffic safety, when their kids are dying from nasty things in food and drugs, and when the rising seas are threatening their second homes, just watch these self-sufficient folk scream for more government!

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