Defending our freedoms! Someone has to.

Letter from the Federal Communications Commission:

“Thank you very much for the input you provided into the public record of our ongoing Open Internet proceeding.

As of 11:59pm on September 15, 2014, the comment cycle of this proceeding is now closed. I’m very glad that the record will include your thoughts and opinions, along with those of others from all over the country in what has become the most commented FCC proceeding in history. I am a strong supporter of the Open Internet, and I will fight to keep the internet open. Thanks once more for sharing your views.

Tom Wheeler
Chairman, Federal Communications Commission”

The above is an email sent me by the FCC on September 28th in response to a message begging him not to give in to the big companies and carve up the Internet for private profit. Reading it, would you not infer from it that Mr. Wheeler sympathized with an open Internet, not a two or three speed internet, with the biggest bandwidth and speed being sold to the highest bidder?

Well today came the news that Mr. Wheeler is trying to reach a “compromise” with Verizon, AT & T, Neflix et al. From my perspective it looks very much as if the letter he sent to me and tens of thousands of others, was designed to lull us into a sense of false security, then pounce when the defenses are down. After all, we had the reassurance that Wheeler was appointed by President Obama, and as a Democrat he should be protecting the general population against Big Money. Has he been suborned, like the politicians have been? Is he frightened of endless Congressional hearings, where hostile politicians will bully him until he turns over the Internet to the big battalions? He has made this statement in the face of a very definite statement of support for an Open Internet from the President, but still he has made it. Who did you say was running the United States?