Dealing with terrorism

There is something I don’t understand, and maybe someone can enlighten me?

The ISIS plotters and bombers have unrestricted access to the internet.  The master minds disaffect them on the web, encourage them to plot and kill on the web and there is free information on the web as to how to make bombs. In a session on terrorism broadcast on C- Span the other day it was explicitly stated that young moslems are influenced and recruited on the internet.  The influence of the mosque and the family is very small (the mosque is now too public).

So why can we not simply cut the wires?  If the intelligence services pick up repeated online terrorist activity, dubious phone conversations, plots or intentions to go to Syria etc, why can’t they arrange for the telephone wires or the cable service to be “unavailable”.  (And while we are about it, why can’t the same thing be done to perverts and child abusers?).   The Chinese can censor everything on the web;  why can’t we?  Of course, you have to make sure who you are censoring.  You don’t want to close down a journalist writing about ISIS (or this blog, if it comes to that).

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