DC Votes

Epicureans should not dip their toes into party politics, but stay on the sidelines, tending their gardens.  But today’s news that  550,000 residents of DC are to continue to be denied the right to vote illustrates just why Epicurus told us to stay clear of politics in the first place. 

 Excuse the rant, but I doubt that many Americans know that DC is not allowed to vote.  The rest of the world, bludgeoned for years on the subject of American democratic superiority,  can only marvel at the sheer hypocrisy on view.  The residents of the nation’s capital not having a vote!  Excuse me!  Isn’t it time to take the interpretation of the 200 year old Constitution away from the ‘strict constructionists’ and bring it into the 21st Century?   Shame on the obstructionists!  What more are these people going to do to bring the United States into disrepute?

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