Could Trump go bankrupt?

No one is discussing or even mentioning it.

Say, three months into the Trump Presidency an infuriated supporter of ISIS lays a bomb in one of the many Trump Towers.  The explosion wrecks the building, killing scores of people. Another 9/11.

First, there would be a giant exodus of companies and private individuals from Trump properties all over the world.  Why be such an obvious target?  Trump Inc. fortunes plunge.

Secondly, Trump, who seems unable to separate his empire from his job as President, orders the military to protect  his remaining properties throughout the world.  The ensuing Court case reaches the Supreme Court.  Not even a packed Court of Trump supporters would, surely, think it appropriate for the US military to be protecting a building owned by an individual citizen – that is the job of local police.  The Supreme Court decides that this use of the army is inappropriate.  No lettings, no hotel guests left, just extremely expensive protection of empty buildings by private contractors.

Trump is the first President to go, in short order, from billionaire to bankrupt in the history of the United States.

He hasn’t thought this out!

One Comment

  1. There’s a very simple solution to this problem: a blind trust. Trump should place control of his assets in a blind trust so as to avoid any conflict of interest. He should cease to make any decisions regarding his assets until he leaves office, even in a 9/11-esque scenario. But that would be a sensible thing to do, so of course he’s not going to do it. Instead, he plans to place control of his assets in the hands of his children, despite the obvious conflict of interest. Even if he doesn’t go bankrupt, a scandal is inevitable. Far from cleaning up Washington, Trump will be the most scandal-prone President in modern American history.

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