Common sense on drones

The US government has dashed the hopes of companies eager to use drones to deliver packages by unveiling new draft rules stating that drone pilots must always be able to see the unmanned aircraft, and that they cannot fly over populated areas. The ruling comes as a particular blow to Amazon, which had hoped to use drones called Octocopters to deliver goods to US customers. However, it has said it will move ahead with its plans in less-regulated states. Other companies, including Google, have already tested delivery drones in Australia, China and elsewhere.

Inevitably, one of these drones will fall out of the sky and hurt or kill someone, or damage a house, or do in someone’s pet. If I ran a betting shop I wouldn’t take bets on this happening because it’s all too predictable. But if you can do it, you do it, it seems, however unnecessary.

I ordered an English teapot for delivery to Southern Florida (don’t ask why).In forty-eight hours the teapot arrived. Good enough delivery for anyone, one would think.


  1. Delivery trucks kill people. Doesn’t stop them from being good. A delivery drone might kill someone. Doesn’t stop them from being an improvement over delivery trucks, especially as they will probably kill less people.

  2. You have a good point, Owen. I didn’t think of it from that angle. I was thinking about expectations – a two day delivery is pretty good as it is. Why would one want much quicker than that except on rare occasions. On a related point, one can foresee the end of retailing as we know it. Why have shops if goods are delivered to your door by drone the same day. Is that what we really want, or is this all about monopolization?

    • I agree with you that online retailing is killing the high street, and drones will probably accelerate that process. I also agree that sometimes life is not about technological advancements, convenience or making money. Maybe a bit of those should be sacrifice in favour of a more relaxed society and thriving town centres that so many of us depend upon.

  3. Drone delivery is a stupid idea and a fantasy honestly, but regardless it should be highly controlled and regulated, for obvious reasons.

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