Climate change – an apology to the youngest generation

What will they say of us when we are gone,
When it dawns on them all that their grandparents knew
(As they wrestle with flooding, starvation and storms),
Of the turmoil their world would be struggling through?

What will they think of us (selfishly set
Upon motors and holidays, easily bought)
And the choking pollution discharged in the air
We contribute to blithely with scarcely a thought?

Will they wonder at pineapples flown from Hawaii
While the frost and the snow are still thick on the ground?
Fresh flowers from Colombia, well out of season,
At a cost to the planet, unseen but profound?

Will they say “Our grandparents, whom we still remember,
Knew that the pole-ice was melting away.
They heard the debates about currents and oceans,
But greeted each fact with a passive dismay?

They knew in their hearts that some real sacrifice
Was required, some remedial money and labour.
They said the right things, but still hoped against hope
That restraint would commence with their neighbour.

They worried a lot about hurricanes, storms,
And the lot of the seals and the few polar bears.
But they sighed with relief when the skeptics said “Whoa,
It won’t happen, (at least, not for fifty-odd years).

“Don’t worry,” they said, “keep the ‘growth’ rolling on.
Keep spending and wasting, don’t take the full brunt.
The grand-kids will have to shape up or ship out;
For us it’s an issue too hard to confront.

“We agree there’s a problem. Solutions are hard.
The science is sound and now fully attested.
But big money talks, we’re needing the income,
And the interests? Well, you can guess, they are vested.”

Will our grandchildren say, “So the power plants belched on.
And at some point the whole balance toppled and tipped,
Mother Nature triumphant’s now taking Her toll,
And our wings and our science are thwarted and clipped.

Now the sea levels rise and the lowlands are swamped.
There are millions of homeless of every race.
And nations once stable are riven with warfare
And death stalks the Earth at a gathering pace.

Fresh water’s a problem, high prices of food,
And flooding at unusual times of the year.
With business disrupted and jobs on the line,
People are nervous, distracted with fear.

Southern Europe’s becoming a desert with sand;
Its desperate people are trekking up north
Joined by North Africans, starving and sick,
Who’ll be turned back or halted at gunpoint henceforth.

Yes, we curse the short-sighted, the venal, the blind,
Who carelessly caused us this terrible plight,
Who lived comfortable lives in a state of denial
And whose gifts to the world were, in retrospect, slight.

Some were bought and created those bogus statistics;
They twisted the science, unconscionably lied.
Some bullied the serious people who warned them
And none had the courage and faith to decide.

Man will react, if at all, in a crisis,
When the ambitious and greedy have backs to the wall.
Now speeches and meetings are all we can offer.
I apologize, kids, for us all to you all.




  1. I feel utterly helpless and frustrated about the power of the people who either deny the problem, postpone action or grudgingly enact half-measures. History will deal harshly with them, but who cares? In the future they and I will be dead. The children will have to suffer!

    This is an ethical problem if there ever was one. Unfortunately, it seems to be a party political one as well in the United States. All we get are half-measures and conformity with the wishes of big business short-termists: pathetic new regulations that extend the miles-per-gallon of motor vehicles just a little bit decades ahead; the over-ruling of California’s wish for urgent action on emissions. So it goes on – – just enough to be able to say “we are saving the economy”. Those who want to guzzle now and ignore the future have a moral deficit against which abortion and homosexuality seems old-fashioned and arcane. Even the Catholic Church now urges us to protect the environment.

  2. Well said. I’m glad there is someone out there with a conscience. And don’t worry – – there is only so much anyone can do.

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