The US insurance industry is sure that the science behind global climate change is correct, and its forward planning assumes increasing drought and catastrophic flooding. These are hard-headed money men. Why don’t the climate changes deniers listen to them? On the contrary, they fund “studies” with foregone conclusions, showing “conclusively” that the warming of the Earth is normal and part of a natural cycle. All of it is balderdash.
It’s all about money. The mining and energy people don’t care about the future. What matters to them is the share price now. In the US they have achieved what they set out to achieve
– maintenance of the status quo. If 99% of all living creatures that have inhabited the Earth are now extinct, it looks as if we are headed that way too. We may be regarded as intelligent creatures, but apparently not intelligent enough.
This should not deter Epicureans. We cannot prevent extinction by turning off the lighta as we leave the room, or by using bicycles or avoiding air travel. But at least we can feel morally superior to the climate change deniers. Warm feeling!