Clench your fist to remember

If you want to remember a key fact, try clenching your right hand; then when you need to recall it, clench your left one. Researchers believe that the movement of clenching the right fist activates a part of the brain involved in storing memories, whereas clenching the left one triggers an area that is key to retrieving information. To test this, they gave volunteers a rubber ball and asked them to squeeze it hard for 90 seconds before memorising a list of 72 words. A couple of minutes later, they were asked to recollect as many of these words as possible. One group squeezed the ball with the right hand on both occasions, another the left. Two other groups alternated the balls between their left and right hands. A fifth group held the ball without squeezing. The results showed that those who clenched first their right fist, and then their left, were able to recall the most words (Daily Mail).

What has this to do with Epicurus? Nothing whatsoever. Just thought you might be interested. Let me know if it works.
(Department of Silly Facts)