Christians cannot vote for non-Christians

Thus former Republican National Committee official, John Lofton:

"It is ridiculous on its face to say that Christians can vote for non-Christians. It’s Christ denial, its something that’s very serious.   And in fact, in a way things have gotten even worse by saying that religion doesn’t matter. Well, that’s the same as saying, whether they know it or not, that Christ doesn’t matter. He is the King of Kings, he is the Lord of Lords — which means Lord over politics, and no Christian can be complicit in having an unbeliever, who God calls wicked, rule over us."


  1. People outside the United States look in disbelief when you quote this kind of comment. “But they are not Christians,” they will tell you. Precisely.

    I can see no difference, except in degree, between him and some working mullah in the North West Territories of Pakistan. No wonder the number of people turning to rational beliefs, like Epicureanism, is growing!

    Incidentally, who exactly is it that calls God “wicked”? No one on this blog! If God exists he is not paying much attention to the disreputable activities of Man, his “superior” creation (according to self-regarding humans) ; if he doesn’t exist he cannot be wicked.

  2. Of course they are Christians, and shame on those who say they are not. They are not to judge who is Christian or not. They are American Christians, of course. The rest of the world will never understand America.

  3. Oh, I don’t know. I think it understands it. It’s a little difficult , however, to comprehend how you can have Christianity without following the precepts of Christ. Is this another American breakthrough?

  4. My point is that the Christians who are pressing the Administration to invade Iran, for instance, and start another war, plus those who openly advocate a Third World War as a prelude to the Rapture (mostly the same people) may indeed be acting biblically, but they are acting according to the old testament, not the new. The old testament is bloody and cruel, not to mention inconsistent and contradictory. As I understand it (most of my family are born-again christians of a compassionate sort) most born-again christians believe that Jesus ushered in a new order and a religion radically different from the tribal old testament. They would not recognize the warmongers and many islamophobes as christian, although they are too polite to say so publicly.

  5. Of course. But born-aginers are a sad, deluded lot. They want the appearance of Christianity, but only a vegetarian meal. No meat for them. How hypocrytical, for them to call other Christians false! They ignore half of their own holy book!

    Jesus came to fulfill the promises of the old testament. The Lord of the first half of the bible is…wait for it…the very same Lord of the new one!

    That’s enough religion for me today. 🙂 But really, how I laugh at these pale, hollow imitiations of Christians. As Cromwell said, we need men with fire in their bellys, who fear the Lord, but not the enemy!

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