Chocolate Jesus

One person`s reaction to Christian outrage expressed over a chocolate statue of Jesus:

I will never forget your attempts to force your religious superstitions into the public sphere.  I will always remember your crusades to pollute our government with a bunch of moralistic hogwash, and the billions of dollars every year that go uncollected in taxes on corporate christianity, not to mention the thousands of legislative hours that have been wasted as you have sought to impose your medieval prejudices on  us. 

I will never forget the humiliating defeats you have suffered in your efforts to subvert science and teach fairy tales as fact in public schools.  I will fight you to see that my children`s education is untainted by religionist dogma.  I will fight your attempts to burn books, silence opposition, and reduce the choices of every person in America.

I will never forget your murder of abortion providers, I will never forgive your gay-bashing, your race-hating, and your assaults on the reproductive freedoms of women.  I will never falter in this fight.  I will never make the mistake of thinking that you are rational, reasoning, or worth listening to at all.  You are ideological poison, and it is my duty as a conscientious citizen to fight your brainwashing, ridicule your distortions, and counter your violent threats.

You are my country’s real terrorists.  You are American jihadi.  You are my sworn enemies and I will fight you for my rights and for equal protection under the law until the day I die.  If you want to try to silence me, then you better plan on killing me, because as long as I have a voice, I will be using it to fight you.  This is my country, founded by a bunch of people who didn’t want to be told how to worship God.

And we’re going to keep it that way.  I will resist all attempts to impose faux-Christian law in my schools, at my church, at work, on the Internet, at the public pool, and in all the areas of my town.  You can do whatever you want in your church, but I will fight until my knuckles bleed to make sure your church stays at church and out of my government and for fuck’s sake, out of my bedroom.

I am Chocolate Jesus.

I will not submit to your will.  I will not be intimidated.

Trex on FireDogLake

TRex is a 60-million-year-old theropod who enjoys terrorizing trailer parks, stomping his enemies, and eating things that get in his way or annoy him. He is single and looking for a new boyfriend. He’s 60 feet tall, green, with delicate forelimbs, large, sharp teeth, and a lengthy tail. Turn-ons include political activism, bashing conservatives, and volcanoes. Turn-offs are vegetarians, right-wing blogs, and killer asteroids.


  1. Methinks he doth protest too much. After all, is not the United States a “nation under God”, chosen by God Himself to share liberty, freedom and democracy with less enlightened nations of the world? How is it to achieve its goal if Christian principles are not adopted at home by schools,legislators and the principle institutions of the land? All supporters of the War and the fight for Freedom in Iraq should join forces and resist the vicious attacks of godless atheists such as Mr. Trex.

  2. Obviously, this person is letting the problems of the world affect his happiness. It is one thing to use reason when deciding how to lives one’s life, but it is unreasonable to let the thoughts and actions of others lead you to anger, anxiety, and animosty. Since this is the Epicurean Blog this doctorine from the Sage may help:

    “Your time is better spent correcting your own follies than in studying your neighbors’.”

  3. Correction: The doctorine is from Democritus, a major influence in Epicurus’ teachings.

  4. Well said, anonymous; also of course Jesus asked why we were so quick to pick out a speck in our neighbor’s eye, when we have a log in ours. If only his disciples truly followed his teachings

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