Chocolate. A new excuse.

Good news! According to the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at the Taub Institute at Columbia University Medical Center, scientists found a direct link between memory loss and a specific part of the brain.  They believe that memory decline can be reversed by a change of diet. A component of chocolate increases blood flow to the brain and is important in reversing memory loss in adults aged 50 – 69.

I will not reveal the reason why I don’t seem to qualify for this bonus myself, but it has something to do with my alleged date of birth. Suffice to say I intend to ignore the age range quoted and sit in bed and nibble through the great slabs of Belgian chocolate available at Trader Jo’s food store. Availability of the dark chocolate they sell there is the crown jewel of American cuisine. If what the people at Columbia say is true i will soon be able to remember names, my own included.