Changing language, unchanging common sense

The Dowager Duchess of Devonshire wrote a small book of memoirs called “Home to Roost”. Among other things she talks about the way the language has changed in her lifetime.

Great Scott, By Jove, vamp, scram, mannequin, blighter,  shut-eye, copper and bobby (for policeman)’, swank, spiffing, top-hole, cold cream and vanishing cream have disappeared from English English, along with the choke on a car.  Now a “shoot”, once a sporting word, is now a photographic allusion. Rooms are spaces, sources have nothing to do with rivers, starting something is called an “initiative”, and a customer is now a “consumer”. We no longer have elections – we have election processes, and spider’s web is sidelined  in favor of the Web.  Stalking used to be over moor and crag after a stag; it is now about distasteful people and is illegal. And an icon is now an actor or actress, or someone on TV.

Fortunately, some things haven’t changed for 2,300 years.  Such as the sensible words of Epicurus:  enjoy life, be moderate in word and deed, entertainment and drinking. Don’t fear death, have lots of friends. Religion is fine if it gives peace of mind, but unfortunately, most religions  end up being run by controlling people who are always “right” and intolerant of others.  We are but minuscule collections of atoms, to be rearranged in due course as trees or a flower.  Sitting on the right hand side of anyone in the afterlife is a nice idea, but a betting shop wouldn’t even take your money. Enjoy life and take pleasure in the wonderful world around you. This is all you are going to get.