Not just in the American South…..
Nine out of the ten most racially segregated American cities are in the north of the country (New York Review of Books 27 Sept 2018)
Nine out of the ten most racially segregated American cities are in the north of the country (New York Review of Books 27 Sept 2018)
Some people love a good committee, And revel in its nitty-gritty: Arcane debates on last year’s failings, The contents of circulars and mailings; The annual dinner, drink and eats; Optimization of receipts. Chairpersons, regardless of their gender Like to set their own agenda. This, their most important role, Gives them what they want – control. …
An Oklahoma branch of Walmart once asked its employees to donate Thanksgiving food to hungry colleagues. “Hang on,” said incredulous staff, “these people can’t feed their families because you pay pitiful wages, yet it’s up to us to bail them out?” In the UK this Christmas there are Tory MPs doing Christmas photo ops with …
“Now, as I turn 85, with my life closer it its end than its beginning, I wish to help give people dignity in dying. Just as I have argued firmly for compassion and fairness in life, I believe that terminally ill people should be treated with the same compassion and fairness when it comes to …
The Greek word that usually gets translated as “happiness” is eudaimonia, and like most translations from ancient languages, this can be misleading. The main trouble is that happiness (especially in modern America) is often conceived of as a subjective state of mind, as when one says one is happy when one is enjoying a cool …