More on ataraxia

The British philosopher and author Prof AC Grayling comments that “Passion suggests something active to us,” he says. “But if you look at the etymology of the term, it’s passive – it’s something that happens to you – like love or anger or lust – that was visited on you by the gods. Unlike passion, …

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A bleak picture of the happiness of youth

The annual UK Youth Index set up by the Prince’s Trust earlier this year stated that young people’s happiness and confidence across a range of areas, from working life to mental and physical health should “ring alarm bells”. Wellbeing has fallen to the lowest level since 2009. The research, based on a survey of 2,194 …

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There are other, bigger issues than gender

“I’m baffled by the present obsession with transgender issues. I appreciate that everyone’s different and am happy for individuals to arrange their physiology, desire and role in whatever permutation they fancy”. But why should society be required to reform its language, its census forms and its lavatories around an “ever-growing taxonomy of genders” – “bi-gender”, …

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Robots don’t take people’s jobs – they make new ones

Robots are the great bogeymen of the 21st century. With their superhuman strength and non-stop work ethic, many feel they are gunning for our jobs. But these fears may be overblown. The first comprehensive look at automation on the German economy suggests that robots created more jobs than they destroyed. People’s fears have been stoked …

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Weird goings-on in Massachusetts

An hours-long standoff between a group of heavily armed individuals and Massachusetts State Police on an interstate ended with 11 taken into custody. The situation was resolved “through negotiation and tactical maneuvers,” Massachusetts State Police Colonel Christopher Mason told reporters.  The standoff began nine hours prior when police said the group claimed to “not recognize …

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