Brazil and biofuels

" Brazil is set to produce most of its biodiesel from soya beans, which have virtually no advantage over conventional fuels in terms of overall greenhouse gas emissions, let alone the millions of hectares of tropical forest that have been cleared for large-scale soya plantations.  Automatically classifying biofuels as renewable energy regardless of how they …

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Global climate change: the countdown

Recent findings from a poll of 52 environmental experts and 36 climate researchers, who were asked to rank regions at greatest risk of climate change: One year from now:  Indian summer monsoon is destabilized and erratic.  Could flip chaotically, with floods one year and drought the next. 10 years from now:  Arctic ice melts (high …

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Thinking for yourself

Immanuel Kant taught that enlightenment was a process, not a state, namely the process of thinking for oneself, and therefore living autonomously without submitting yourself to group-think and conformity with all those around you. Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity, immaturity being the inability to use one’s understanding without guidance from another…..Sapere Aude! …

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Originality, by Oscar Wilde

“Most people are other people.  Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”  * If  being an Epicurean means anything it must mean thinking for yourself .  I live in a city where there is one readable newspaper.  One goes to dinner parties and one hears the issues and …

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