Building Noah’s Ark. A follow-on from Saturday’s posting.

The northern Kentucky city of Williamstown plans to build a 510-foot (155.4-meter) wooden ship, the centerpiece of a planned biblical theme park called “Ark Encounter”, planned to attract 1.2 million visitors a year. To pay for this Creation Museum “Answers in Genesis” a Christian non-profit, intends to issue $62 million of bonds. Investors who buy …

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Global climate change: the good news.

According to the Center for American Progress, 58% of Republicans in Congress deny the existence of climate change or oppose action to cut greenhouse gas emissions. However, their voters are much smarter and believe the evidence of their own eyes, let alone the research of every respectable scientist concerned in the matter. 87% of Oklahoman …

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Thank you, Pope Francis. Good observation

The Pope has just criticized so-called “trickle-down” economics as having no basis either in theory or in practice. “A crude and naive trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power”. Wonderful! Trickle-down economics was always an excuse for supporting the rich against the less rich. If it worked at all it would be working …

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