Good news: hydrogen powered cars as well

The Rasa is a prototype hydrogen car that, like the drone mentioned yesterday, emits only water vapour. It is produced  by start-up Riversimple in Llandrindod Wells, UK, and instead of using pellets like the drone, it is designed around a fuel cell requiring 10 times less power than an ordinary car. This keeps the vehicle cruising, but …

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Fighting the super- bug: good news?

Over the past 12 years, Novobiotic Pharmaceuticals has cultivated 50,000 strains of microorganism no one else could. And they’ve discovered 25 new antibiotics. One made headlines a year ago because it kills bugs in a new way,  and one to which it is much more difficult for bacteria to develop resistance. These 25 antibiotics will not necessarily …

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The dark side of techie paradise

Tech start-ups are supposedly a paradise for “talent”, with their “nap pods”, Cordon Bleu chefs and yoga classes. But not everyone benefits from the “pay-and-perks arms race” under way in Silicon Valley. Indeed, last year a survey of 5,000 tech workers found that many feel “alienated, trapped, underappreciated and otherwise discombobulated”: only 19% said they …

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