Epicureans reject advocates of religious extremism

Epicureans, committed or otherwise, should seek ataraxia, that is peace and calmness of mind.  This becomes difficult when one is confronted with people like Charlie, who seem to be in favour of a deliberate conflagration in the Middle East for religious ends.  I have said that Charlie should be allowed to have his say, but …

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Is he right, or is it wishful thinking?

“….the day will come when religion is…………………………….no longer cool–except in its socially valuable forms, where it will be one type of allegiance among many.  Will those descendant institutions still be religions?  Or will religions have thereby morphed themselves into extinction?  It all depends on what you think the key or defining elements of religion are.  …

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A message from Ellery Schempp

Of the many sins of the past Congressional leadership, perhaps their greatest one,was to wrap themselves in the cloak of "godliness"— to give them claim to own patriotism. "Faith-belief" is no longer accepted as excusing incompetence in public affairs. This is a very significant shift in public opinion. It is very encouraging that a goodly …

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