The God-fearing man
Why is it necessary to FEAR God?
Why is it necessary to FEAR God?
Rabbi Daniel Lapin, who introduced Jack Abramoff to former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, talks of a “persecuted majority of christians". “ There is no better term than propaganda blitzkrieg to describe what has been unleashed against Christian conservatives recently, " he is quoted as saying. "Consider the long list of anti-Christian books that have …
Do not be afraid of the gods: they do not concern themselves with human problems; nor do they reward or punish you in this world or when you die. There is neither a Heaven nor a Hell.
From The Times Literary Supplement 26 January 2007 Dear Sir, Steven Weinberg’s endorsement of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins leaves unanswered most of the fundamental questions many readers must be asking. How is it that when theologians modify their views in accordance with fresh developments in scientific knowledge this represents a “retreat”, whereas when …
BREAKING THE SPELLReligion as a Natural PhenomenonBy Daniel C. DennettViking. 448 pp. $25.95 Fertility rates in the relatively secular blue states are 12 percent lower than in the relatively religious red states, according to Philip Longman in the March/April issue of Foreign Policy. In Europe, a similar correlation holds. As Longman writes: "Do you seldom, …
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