Obesity. No secret why.

 Corn syrup is being added to every food under the sun, including bread and (excuse me!) soup!   Why would you sweeten soup?  Corn syrup is a major cause of obesity and related crippling and even fatal diseases.  It is a public health hazard.  In my Epicurean garden it is spotted quickly and banned where possible.

Evolution (Epicurus turned out to be right)

EVOLUTION Only 40% of adults in the United States believe evolution to be “true”.  A third of American adults positively believe it to be false, presumably believing that God delivered man and woman,  fully formed, to the Garden of Eden five thousand years ago, as per one of the Hebrew creation myths (there were two …

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Attack on Christians, again!

Rabbi Daniel Lapin, who introduced Jack Abramoff to former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, warns a “propaganda blitzkrieg that is eerily reminiscent of how effectively the Goebbels propaganda machine softened up the German people for what was to come”.   He talks of a “persecuted majority” (!).  Whereupon he launches a propaganda blitzkrieg that is eerily …

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