Mathew fox, former Catholic priest,

In “The Pope’s War: How Ratzinger’s Crusade Imperiled the Church and How It Can Be Saved”, Matthew Fox, a former Catholic priest, talks about the “devastation” wrought by Benedict and his predecessor and elaborates on the following points: 1. His silence for years about the notorious pedophile priest Father Maciel, who was so close to …

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Invading Iran? You have to be joking!

70% of all American Jews voted for Obama.  They are focused, not on Israel, but generally speaking on America.  Many young Jews cannot tell you who Netanyahu is. They may offer Israel support on the Palestinians, but on bombing Iran they think as most Americans think, that is “you have to be joking!”  There is …

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There are few men who durst publish to the world the prayers they make to Almighty God  (Montaigne, “Of Prayers”, Essays , 1580-8) This  might explain why so few of the requests are granted. Epicureans feel that heavenly response to prayers is sufficiently spotty that they prefer to rely on their own intelligence and initiative.