Einstein and god

“I believe in Spinoza’s god, who reveals himself in the lawful harmony of all that exists, not in a god who concerns himself in the fate and doings of mankind”. Albert Einstein Einstein wondered at the intricate rationality of the universe. It persuaded him that “something” must have laid down the basic structure, physics and …

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Can you be a religious non-believer and still be moral?

Religion lays claim to a monopoly of morals, decency, and humane behavior. This claim is based upon dogmatic literature said to be the word of god or a creator, and must therefore be believed and obeyed, or else. Millions have died as a result of taking all this far too seriously. “I am right, get …

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What is the Land of Israel?

God promised the Israelites “this land, from the river of Egypt unto the Euphrates”. This today would include bits of Turkey, Syria and Iraq. So why are the Zionists so quiet about this? Surely, if God made this generous promise, then the ultra-nationalists should be proclaiming their rights to this huge geographical area, and should …

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Better banking?

The Most Rev. Justin Welby, the new Archbishop of Canterbury, who sits on the parliamentary Banking Standards Commission in Parliament, has criticised “the culture of entitlement” among London bankers, calling for them to pass professional exams, and advocating the break-up of at least one state-backed institution into smaller regional banks. Naturally, the not disinterested financial …

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