A toxic image of God

“Unfortunately, it’s much easier to organize people around fear and hatred than around love. Most people who want to hold onto power view God as vindictive and punitive. Powerful people actually prefer this worldview, because it validates their use of intimidation. Both Catholicism and Protestantism have used the threat of eternal hellfire, which “works” because …

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The American evangelicals

One effect of Trump’s candidacy in the American elections is the split among self-identifying evangelicals. It seems, according to the Washington Post, that white evangelical Protestants who are working class are more than twice as likely to support Trump than their brother evangelicals with college degrees (15% to 37%). Those who attend religious services infrequently …

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The death throes of outdated religion? Or not?

Isis reveres the earliest, “purest” days of the religion, as practised under the Prophet Mohammed and his followers in the seventh century. Some 1,400 years later, it has built a repressive apparatus to recreate that ideal. Anyone deemed “heretical” has to carry a “repentance card” to show allegiance to Isis. Dozens of “un-Islamic” activities are …

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A silly thing to get upset about

There is a Christian liberal arts college in Illinois called Wheaton College. One of the teachers there, professor of science Larycia Hawkins, an African American, mentioned on her Facebook page that Christians and Moslems worship the same god, and undertook to wear the hijab during Advent in solidarity with American moslems. The last time I …

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