A definition of happiness

“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city”. (George Burns, quoted in Goodreads.com) My comment: Witty this is, but Epicurus would have demurred. He coveted his friendships and liked nothing better than to invite friends and acquaintances round for a simple meal and an intelligent discussion (free of party politics).

Good news

It has been another record year for renewable energy, despite the Covid-19 pandemic and rising costs for raw materials around the world, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). About 290GW of new renewable energy generation capacity, mostly in the form of wind turbines and solar panels, has been installed around the world this year, …

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“The Science of Meditation” is collaboration between the Dalai Lama, Richard Davidson and Daniel Goldman. It makes clear what works in meditation and what doesn’t, and explains why focusing our attention minute by minute on a single facet of consciousness (a mantra, our breath, stray thoughts) has such a dramatic impact on our well-being and …

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