The gender crisis: what can be done? Continued

What can be done about the falling marriage rate and drop in childbirths? First, one conservative suggests dropping the “conservative” label altogether, since “branding oneself in this way is a womanly stance … that accomplishes nothing real, while seeking abstract validation.” In fact, right-wing men should refrain from talking about politics with women at all …

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Man jailed for jet-skiing to his girlfriend

A Scotsman has been jailed for riding a jet-ski across the Irish Sea to spend some time with his girlfriend. Dale McLaughlan, 28, was sentenced to four weeks in prison for the 25-mile journey from Scotland’s Isle of Whithorn to the Isle of Man, after his trip was found to break coronavirus rules. “The craziest …

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Getting a hairdrier through Customs

This blog has carried numerous postings that are less than enthusiastic about organised religion.  Here is something positive; at least it will make you laugh. In British parochial schools students are taught that lying is a sin, but using a bit of imagination to express the truth differently, without lying, is OK. An attractive young …

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