Bad manners. Bad politics. Crass stupidity

In any war between the civilized man and the savage support the civilized man.  Support Israel – Defeat Jihad.

This is the wording of  an ad just put up in the New York Metro by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, an extremist advocacy group.   When I first read it I thought it must have been paid for by moslems trying to put Jews and Israel in a bad light. A very bad light. It is not only bad manners but it is incendiary at this particular moment, and likely to get more innocent people killed, particularly on the New York Metro.

The transit providers tried, sensibly, to turn it down, but a Court used the “free speech” defense and up the ad went.  That was stupidity in itself.

Would the paid  Israeli watchdog who looks out for such comments on sites like this on a daily basis like to to reassure readers that this ad is not,  after all, the work of extreme Zionists, and tell us why anyone in his right mind should perpetrate such a thing?

Epicurean abhor violent extremists, whatever their religion or ethnicity.  It does show how literally dangerous religion has once again become. Sensible people turn their backs on religious hate groups and retire to the Garden to contemplate a more civilised life.