Back to the dark ages

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) , an ardent denier of almost anything discovered by scientists that might be uncomfortable for big business (unless it is "science" cooked up by Exxon),  recently warned his public about  the dangers of a children’s book written by environmental activist and “Inconvenient Truth” producer Laurie David.

"Having failed for nearly three decades to convince the American people and their leaders to jump on the global warming alarmism bandwagon, David and the U.N. are trying to fill the minds of children with ‘sky-is-falling’ global warming hysteria," Inhofe said.

Linking the United Nations with animal worship and those who wish to “shut down” America , he urged Christians to
fight back against concern about the environment.

From Right Wing Watch  February 1, 2007

One Comment

  1. Inhofe is an old enemy of rationality, science and education. He represents the ultimate in anti-intellectualism. There was no parallel to him in the history of modern empires. The people leading the French, British and other empires were relatively well educated, compared with Inhofe. It is unfortunate that the United States has created its Empire at the very time that a third or more of its population wish nothing less than to return to a world belief in the supernatural, tarot cards and tealeaf reading.

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