Capitalism’s disasters: Privatization

Privatization is a blatant attempt by national and multi-national big business to undermine and shrink any aspect of government that has a vague chance of making a profit.   It was invented by Thatcher in Britain and applied to everything that moved or had an income, including the water Brits drink and the hopelessly unprofitable railways …

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Empires and the propagandists who support them

"All empires develop systems that put the blame for disasters  on subject peoples". * Now what could he be thinking of?  Could he be thinking of  Iraq and the "dysfunctional" government of Maliki?  Clearly, it is wholly the fault of the Iraqis if they don’t embrace Western democracy.  It couldn’t possibly be the destabilization caused …

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This is why Epicureanism is so smart

Amazing! The Pope comes to the U.S apologizing daily about the priestly sex scandal and telling us that his heart bleeds for the victims.  He asks the faithful (unbelievably, there are still some left) to pray for the bishops and support the clergy.  Does he actually suggest any beneficial changes?    No, absolutely not.  He wants …

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