Are YOU on the terrorist watch list?

More than 900,000 names are on America’s terrorist watch list, including at one time Senator Edward Kennedy (now grievously sick).

I demand to know: am I on the watch list? If not, why not?   I should be because I wrote a play called DubyaBaba and the Forty Thieves, the apogee of a wildly successful play-writing career.   Read it on and subsequent pages

The cast was: DubyaBaba, Cheney Baba, Rhum Baba, Wolfy Baba, Luminous Pearle, Pure Krystal, Co-lin bin Baba and Mustapha Jellybean, the famous Iranian spy and personal friend of all (patriotic) neo-cons.

Surely, among the humor-free denizens of the Department of Homeland Security making fun of the incompetents should merit being under constant surveillance?

Whoever is monitoring this site, please speak up!


  1. Looking back on the stellar and madly successful invasion and occupation of Iraq it does raise the question: in view of the American and Iraqi lives lost, the homes destroyed, the destruction and homelessness, not to mention the billions borrowed to finance the war, how would you now define “American patriotism”.

    And would you agree that questioning the patriotism of Mrs. Obama seems just a wee bit petty and over the top in comparison to the damage done to the United States, its finances, its military forces and its reputation by the party in power?

  2. “I demand to know: am I on the watch list? If not, why not? I should be….”

    I assure you, Mr. Robert Hanrott, ‘they’ WILL be watching you.

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