Appearances matter

Almost two dozen people from huge suppliers of oil, gas and electricity. have been seconded to work in the UK’s Department of Energy.  Among them is the atrociously run British Gas, along with Shell Oil and ConocoPhillips. The government is paying them!   This despite the fact that the policies of these companies are in total contradiction to the government’s supposed policy of reducing carbon emissions.

Joss Garman of Greenpeace commented,  “nobody will believe that these vested interests are lending staff to the government out of charity.   To the contrary, they have a clear financial interest in putting their people in key positions where they can exercise a malign influence that runs counter to the public interest”.

Quite.  Appearances matter.  The astonishing gall of it!   Epicurus would condemn such co-habitation, and put it down to , yes, another example  of corruption.

One Comment

  1. “To the contrary, they have a clear financial interest in putting their people in key positions where they can exercise a malign influence that runs counter to the public interest”.

    It’s so simple, isn’t it? And so evil! Give the powerful jobs to the vested interest — and it’s so raw and transparent. No, you said it more clearly, it’s “astonish gall.”

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