An unnatural crime

The Indian Supreme Court has reaffirmed its earlier judgement pronouncing a 19th Century British law banning homosexuality as valid, and describing homosexuality as “an unnatural crime”. Vikram Seth, a well known novelist in English, has written this poem in response:

Through Love’s Great Power

Through love’s great power to be made whole
In mind and body, heart and soul –
Through freedom to find joy, or be
By dint of joy itself set free
In love and in companionhood:
This is the true and natural good.
To undo justice, and to seek
To quash the rights that serve the weak –
To sneer at love, and wrench apart
The bonds of body, mind and heart
With specious reason and no rhyme:
This is the true unnatural crime.

Vikram Seth

Epicurus, I am sure, would say that we should treasure love in this world wherever we find it. He would applaud the poem above.