An Epicurean without knowing it

An American IT worker has taken a leaf out of the management consultancy handbook by outsourcing his work to China – but without telling his boss. A security company found that “Bob” (not his real name) was paying a firm in Shenyang around a fifth of his salary to do his job for him, while he sat at his desk watching cat videos and surfing the net. Bob’s superiors said his work was among the best in his firm. (The Week).

Thus he has a quiet life without stress.  But beware all geeks.  “Bob” has given the idea to innumerable bosses and even more jobs will now be shipped abroad.  As for “Bob” himself, I wonder if, when they promote him for his initiative and intelligence, he will have the courage to say no?


  1. I vote “no” on Bob’s Epicurean application. The energy he put into setting up his Shenyang shenanigan probably exacted a stress tax. Maybe he worried about being found-out. Also, he cheated a local worker out of a job. On the other hand, “Bob” is probably a “glocalist,”–think big and chuck your own neighborhood. 🙂

  2. firstly thanks for the epicurian articles, i heard a radio show last week that were discussing the philosophies, i was interested enough to look it up and ended up at here at your lovely blog!

    i think Bob should probably have given up his job if he wasn’t enjoying it. he was willing to continue to take the salary which leads me to believe he hadn’t quite adopted the material free lifestyle that i have come to understand as one of the foundations of epicurianism. I’m sure he did get some pleasure out of it for a while, he may be on the right path ??

  3. Firstly thanks for the Epicurian articles, I heard a radio show last week that was discussing the philosophies. I was interested enough to look it up and ended up at here at your lovely blog!

    I think Bob should probably have given up his job if he wasn’t enjoying it. he was willing to continue to take the salary which leads me to believe he hadn’t quite adopted the material free lifestyle that i have come to understand as one of the foundations of Epicurianism. I’m sure he did get some pleasure out of it for a while, he may be on the right path ??

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